Please be aware of scammers impersonating text alerts claiming to come from Capitol Federal®. According to multiple reports, customers are receiving texts claiming to be an alert from Capitol Federal asking them to verify transactions. Please ignore and delete any suspicious texts as we do not send out texts to verify customer transactions. If you do reply to one of these messages and someone calls you, it is most likely a scam and you should hang up and call the bank at 1-888-822-7333. Below is an example of what these scams can look like.


Make sure to never give your personal or bank information out in response to a request you didn't expect and always be alert. As a reminder, Capitol Federal® will never request your account number or debit card number to verify your identity. Requests of these types are a scam.

If you feel you have provided information to someone in error, or sent Zelle transactions that are not real, please call 1-888-822-7333.