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Saving for the Future: Roadmap to Retirement

Capitol Federal® Millennial Blogger Image

Millennials have not done a great job saving for retirement. According to USA Today, only 31% of adults, ages 22- 35, reported they have started saving for retirement. There’s no blueprint or outline on life, so you might be asking yourself: When should I start saving for retirement? The answer to that question is pretty simple - as soon as you can.

Typically, you should begin saving for retirement in your early 20’s, once you’ve graduated college or begin earning a regular income. The amount you’re saving isn’t as important as the amount of time it has to grow. There’s a fascinating thing called compound interest and the power it has to build wealth over time. Here are a few simple steps to help you save for the future:

Saving for Retirement Infographic.

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Categories: Safety and Security , Smart Spending , Strategies for Saving
Tags: Retirement Tips

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